Prescott School District participates in a "weekend food" assistance program for students through a partnership with Prescott Food Pantry. This program sends some easy weekend meal items home for a student in his or her own backpack (confidentially put in their backpack when there are no students in the hallway or, for older students if no backpack can make another arrangement) every Friday. The food items sent are specifically designed to provide additional food for a quick meal over the weekend. These food items are easy to prepare with little or no preparation, requiring minimal adult supervision. Parents interested in participating in this program will be able to have each student from their household each receive a weekend food package.
Many families are experiencing financial strains that affect the ability to purchase enough food for their growing children. This program is free and confidential and will be handled discreetly. Parents that would like their child to receive the “weekend food” should contact either their school counselor or nurse by phone or email. You may leave a confidential voicemail any time, day or night with any of those staff members.
We do need parents' permission to send these weekend food items home. Please let us know if your child has any food allergies or sensitivities.
For information on how to register, please visit the Backpack Program page on the school district website for email addresses or call your school and they can direct you to the counselor or nurse for more information.